
Download the last version for apple Backgammon Arena
Download the last version for apple Backgammon Arena

download the last version for apple Backgammon Arena

I agree with others here: this game is clearly not using only a random generator for dice rolls. This statistically impossible in any sort of reality outside a poorly written, apparently biased dice roll algorithm that seems to be designed to cheat (can’t say with certainty but this inordinate amount of doubles for the computer coupled with rolls that heavily favor the computer in timing would make one tend to believe such a thing). The last two games the computer rolled doubles 4 times while I did not get one for one game and the next it started with two doubles and had 4 in the first 7 rolls all told. When I do get doubles, literally 1/3 of the time it is useless since I am trying to get a piece out of jail and it is for a spot that is not open. In the 5 games I have played since my review, it still rolls a significant amount of doubles above what I get by a 4:1 margin. There is no way one can call that a legit random dice roll algorithm. The computer had three doubles in a row and 5 for total for the game while I had 1 double for the entire game. In the two most recent games I played, for instance, the computer had three doubles while I had none, and in the other. Hard should not mean more likely to get doubles, it should mean it employs better strategies. I have played the game many times and have found on the Hard level, the computer gets both an inordinate amount of fortunate rolls and doubles compared to myself.

Download the last version for apple Backgammon Arena